Investment Process

Multi-Family Real Estate Investing


1. Acquisition

We operate exclusively in Texas, utilizing broker and investment partnerships we've acquired over years in the industry to deliver a steady stream of real estate investment options to our clients. After identifying a potential property, we handle all due diligence and carefully analyze every facet of the property. If we decide to move forward, we close with a combination of VF Capital Group & investor funds. Our investors then enjoy a strong return on an investment backed by real estate.


2. Reposition

Upon closing, our team immediately begins our work on the property, depending on what's required. We may handle everything from replacing the roof, renovating the kitchen, or gutting and redoing the entire apartment.


3. Cashflow

While we do all of the work, our investment partners (that's you) receive consistent cashflow distributions and return on your investment, without having to know anything about managing real estate. Distributions are received either monthly or quarterly.


4. Disposition

Once we finish the restoration, we sell the property and return your investment capital, plus any gains earned. Then we start again for wealth building.